Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Goldstein Fall Events

Reason #2 to visit The Goldstein Library  in the Fall:

by Rob Stephens

You may not know it, but this fall the Goldstein Library will host AMAZING Events that are fun and free -- you might even win prizes! Below is a short list of some of the most exciting events this semester. 

Of course, we can't list everything here , so be sure to follow us on Twitter (@goldlib) or "like" us at to get full updates on Goldstein Library events!

Event 1: Banned Books Week, Sept.30 - Oct. 6
Here at the Goldstein Library we believe in freedom of information. As proof, here's an
amazing painting hung in the library  entitled "Information Should Be Free" by our very own Library Director, Pam Doffek:

You might guess, then, that we'll be displaying all our banned books that week, and having some fun times in Goldstein, including a Stump-the-Librarian contest, awesome displays of literature we think you should read that was previously (or is being) banned, and tweets from banned books. It'll be a rockin' time!

Event 2: FREE Coffee Fridays (and other free food...)

YES! Every Friday we have FREE Coffee! Why buy coffee, when you can come get it from us for free? To the right is a picture of one patron taking advantage of Free Coffee Fridays:

As for food: this Friday, August 31, we'll be having FREE PANINIS to celebrate Panini month. Come by and get a hot pressed lunch. And no worries -- we'll let you know whenever there is free food around here!

Event 3: Talk like a Pirate Day, Sept. 19th
Goldstein will change their famous slogan for a day!
Arrrrrg -- yep, you heard right, that's the Goldstein Library's best impression of Captain Hook. Wednesday, September 19th -- mark it on ye calender maties, else ye walk the plank! 

That's right, we're encouraging FSU students to come by the library that day and give us their best pirate-talk. In fact, come dressed as a pirate, for all we care!

Event 4: Clubs/Make Up Your Own!
This semester in the Goldstein, there is some big talk about clubs in the works, in particular: SCRABBLE! and a BOOK CLUB!

GA Rob Stephens will be heading up some Scrabble nights this semester that may just turn into a club or a tournament. 

And several students have been by inquiring about a Goldstein book club this fall, so if you're interested, email Rob at All are welcome!

Also, if you're ever interested in creating your own club or event in Goldstein, shoot us an email and we can try to make it happen for you!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Goldstein Library Hot Spots

Over the next few days, The Goldstein Library Blog will be Writing about The Top 5 Reasons you should visit us in the Fall.

Reason #1 to visit The Goldstein Library  in the Fall:


by Rob Stephens 
Over the summer, we got to work, folks, revamping Goldstein to make it more friendly for you! And we've got a couple of hot spots you need to check out because they are, in the words of Austin Powers, "smashing baby, yeah!" Here they are:

Hot spot #1: The Alcove
Need a place to cozy up and read The Hunger Games? Check out the alcove, with new benches and fancy desks with stools.

Hot spot #2: The Cave
Having a meeting and need a cool place to skype, use a computer, or use a whiteboard? Check out The Cave, an excellent venue for any meeting!

Hot spot#3: "Schwing" Desks
We have some great space at Goldstein, just look at these awesome "schwinging" desks! These butterfly-style work spaces are a great place to come with a group and work on a project.  

Hot Spot #4: The Back Study Area
An amazing place to study, or just chill out and have some fun!  Perhaps you'll come by for our new couch, which we're claiming is the comfiest on all of FSUs campus for studying. Or perhaps you'd like to calm your mind by doing a free puzzle? Maybe drawing is your thing: come draw something gorgeous (or just scribble) on our whiteboard tables!

Hot spot #5: Displays
The displays are rocking in Goldstein! Our GA in charge of displays, Meredith, is always making Goldstein look great. For this semester, Meredith is planning displays about Labor Day, Tomie De Paola's Birthday, National Hispanic Heritage Month, among many others. Here are two examples of Meredith's work:

Catch a Book on Screen this Summer!

Honoring the Life of Neil Armstrong

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No More Dead Dogs

Front Cover
by Rob Stephens

Eight Grader Wallace Wallace shares one thing in common with George Washington: he cannot tell a lie, not even a little white lie. And so when his literature teacher asks his opinion about a class book, Wallace “feels compelled to inform his teacher that it was one of the worst books he’s ever read. Why does the dog in every classic book have to croak at the end?” (Book cover).

If you’ve  ever asked yourself the same question after reading classics like Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows, then this is the book for you. Come by the Goldstein Library to check out this fun and excellent novel by award-winning writer Gordon Korman!