With a unique twist on reading, Bunny Rabbit Rebus by David A. Adler tells the story of Baby Rabbit and Mother Rabbit and their quest to find food while helping all their friends. According to Wikipedia, a rebus is an "allusional device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words." Like in Bunny Rabbit Rebus, you may find a picture of a star in front of the letters TED to mean "started," or AL followed by a red E to mean "already."
Interested in more????? Here are several other books in our collection that use rebus to tell a story.
The bag I'm taking to Grandma's by Shirley Neitzel
Easy and Picture Books PZ8.3.N34 Bag 1995
The dress I'll wear to the party by Shirley Neitzel
Easy and Picture Books PZ8.3.N34 Dr 1995
From A to Z : the collected letters of Irene and Hallie Coletta by Irene Coletta
Easy and Picture Books PZ8.3.C68 Fr 1979
The jacket I wear in the snow by Shirley Neitzel
Easy and Picture Books PZ8.3.N34 Jac 1989
The Little Red Riding Hood rebus book by Ann Morris
Juvenile PZ8.M8287 Li 1987
Mother Goose picture puzzles by Will Hillenbrand
Easy and Picture Books PZ8.3.H5542 Mo 2011
Puniddles by Bruce and Brett McMillan
Juvenile PN6371.5 .M39 1982
Snappity snap! by Stephen Wyllie
Easy and Picture Books PZ7.W9783 Sn 1989
There was an old woman by Stephen Wyllie
Easy and Picture Books PZ7.W9783 Th 1985
The turtle and the hippopotamus by Kate Banks
Easy and Picture Books PZ7.B22594 Tu 2002